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in General Factchecking by
According to an NBC news article, The brand announced on October 9th that they are releasing pet crocs. They partnered with the company BARK and the shoes have breathable foam and an adjustable strap. They come in small, medium, and large and are for all dogs up to 80 pounds. They are listed at $50 and there are also special dogs Crocs Jibbitz

by (160 points)
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To confirm this information, I looked at a second source, an article from USA Today. This article corroborates the details mentioned in the NBC report, stating that Crocs indeed partnered with BARK for this product launch and highlights the features of the shoes, including the breathable foam and adjustable straps. The USA Today article mentions that the shoes aim to provide comfort and protection for dogs, especially during outdoor activities. Additionally, it notes the significance of the Jibbitz, which are decorative charms that can be attached to the shoes, further adding to their appeal. I might have to get matching crocs with my dog.


5 Answers

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by Newbie (490 points)
selected ago by
Best answer

This is true. Crocs are releasing shoes for dogs after partnering with BARK and are selling them for $50.00. Crocs has officially put them on their website and they do in fact come in three sizes small, medium, and large fitting dogs between 15-80 lbs. They also highlight a "unique glow in the dark effect." 


ago by (180 points)
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I like how straightforward your fact check is, you include facts and it's very easy to navigate. A suggestion would be to look into this new product a bit more. Is there anything about their decisions about releasing this product ? demand from customers? Does the founder have pets? Things like this make it more interesting. Although your fact check is strong, background information is always great
ago by (180 points)
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I like how you got straight to the point in confirming the accuracy of the claim and the facts in the article. In addition to your fact-check, you could include reviews of the product and what customers say about it, the possible benefits shoes could provide for pets, and why consumers want to buy crocs for their pets to add more context to the claim.
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by Newbie (230 points)
It looks like the information is mostly true, the article says that the Pet Crocs are designed for dogs weighing up to 80 pounds, but does not specify all dogs. Overall, the other details are very accurate.
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by Novice (560 points)
This is True. Crocs are releasing crocs for dogs as confirmed by the source themselves, Crocs. After looking on their website they do indeed have Crocs listed for dogs In a multitude of colors and sizes but are not yet able to be purchased. They are releasing on October 23rd.
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ago by Newbie (300 points)
After reading and looking into the facts behind this claim, I can most certainly say that news is true. Although the only evidence used in this claim was a news report done by NBC, after doing further insight, Crocs is in fact releasing a shoe for dogs on national Croc day, October 23rd.
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ago by Newbie (260 points)
This is actually true! While it may sound outlandish or a little over the top it is very true. On October 23rd crocs and BARK will be releasing a product they collaborated on together, "pet croc boots". While none of the biggest and most notably trustworthy news outlets have cared enough to talk about it countless smaller outlets and even some bigger ones like CNN have covered it very in depth. And if all the articles breakdowns of the collaboration and talk of the release somehow aren't enough proof you can find them on the crocs website. They release October 23rd and will come in three sizes, two colors, and cost $50.00. So for the croc fan who is just dying to see their dog in crocs now's the chance!



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