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in General Factchecking by Newbie (360 points)

After the crazy win that the ducks has against Ohio State on Saturday night, Oregon moves up to No. 2 in AP Top 25, receives 6 first-place votes!

by (160 points)
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This is a true claim. After Oregons win vs Ohio State on Saturday, the AP poll came out on Sunday morning and the voters votes Oregon as the #2 team in the country. https://apnews.com/hub/ap-top-25-college-football-poll
by (160 points)
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This is true. The University of Oregon football team did move up in the rankings after beating Ohio State on October 12th, 2024.
by Novice (660 points)
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This is a true claim. Oregon on October 12, 2024 battled against Ohio State at Autzen Stadium at 4:30. Sunday morning October 13 the AP poll came out where the AP voters vote on the Top 25 and after Oregons win against what was the #2 team in the nation they have moved up to #2 team in the country according to the AP poll.

by (190 points)
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Do you believe that Oregon should have moved up to first in the rankings after this massive win or is number two justified?
by (100 points)
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This is true. Since the Ohio state buckeyes lost the game, they were degraded to No.4 on the associated press poll (https://apnews.com/hub/ap-top-25-college-football-poll ) and the Oregon ducks were moved up to No.2 on the rankings. This was also the case on ESPN (https://www.espn.com/college-football/rankings).

4 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.2k points)
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Best answer

This is proven to be true, writer from cbssports.com, Chip Patterson, explains that "Oregon moves past Ohio State to No. 2 as top 10 shuffles in CBS Sports 134." He claimed that after the victorious win over the Ohio State Buckeyes, led the Oregon Duck's football team to be nationally ranked at no.2. Despite Ohio State loosing, they're still nationally ranked no.3. College football rankings: Oregon moves past Ohio State to No. 2 as top 10 shuffles in CBS Sports 134 - CBSSports.com

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by Apprentice (1.8k points)
This is a true claim, on the ESPN official website university of Oregon has moved up to #2 in the nation for college football after the win against Ohio State on Saturday night.
by Innovator (51.8k points)
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Strong fact-checks include source links. Please include them going forward. Thanks!
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by Apprentice (1.1k points)

This is a true claim as after oregon beat ohio state the AP poll that ranks the top 25 college teams for that week has oregon as the number 2 team in the country. As the rankings are here 


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by Newbie (340 points)

According to my research, the statement that the University of Oregon's football team did move up in placement in the AP Polls top 25 after beating Ohio State on Saturday. This is very relevant and current news as it happened (at the time of writing this) 3 days ago and the article linked above was written the day after the game. The article is also from a reputable site, and written by a reputable author - Eric Olson who is an AP College Football Writer. All of this information leads me to believe that this claim is true.  

by Innovator (51.8k points)
0 0
Good work on your fact-check. Next time please include your source link(s). Thanks!

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