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3 Answers

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ago by (160 points)
This is true. Ashwaganda has been linked in many studies to lower stress levels. The National Institute of Health conducted studies using a test group and a placebo group that confirms this claim. This article : https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Ashwagandha-HealthProfessional/#:~:text=Overall%2C%20the%20studies%20found%20that,)%20levels%2C%20compared%20with%20placebo. also references the University of Colorado as well as health centers in other countries who have done similar studies with the same results. Ashwaganda lowers stress levels.
ago by (140 points)
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I admire the source you chose as it gives good evidence on the impact of ashawganda. The research is backed by many different styles of studies such as clinic trials and small studies. The article also goes into depth about other impacts that ashwaganda has on a person other than just stress, proving that ashawaganda has positive impacts.
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ago by (160 points)
This claim does seem to be true, based off an article from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). According to the article, studies including systematic reviews and clinical trials do suggest that ashwagandha extracts in certain doses helps to reduce stress, anxiety, sleeplessness and fatigue. It also suggests that ashwagandha may also improve sleep quality, sleep efficiency, and overall sleep time, with more significant benefits for those with insomnia. However, it also states that further research is needed regarding long-term use as there is little data on its safety beyond three months, as well as its safety in specific populations such as those with liver, thyroid, or prostate conditions.

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ago by (140 points)

This claim is, for the most part, true. It has been widely circulated in health and wellness communities. An article by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) provides a comprehensive review of ashwagandha and the existing scientific evidence related to its use. Several studies have suggested ashwagandha may help reduce stress and anxiety by lowering cortisol levels. For instance, the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs held a blind trial with placebos where participants who received ashwagandha reported positive results. It's important to note, however, that there is little data regarding long-term effects and that ashwagandha was considered effective primarily in higher doses (500mg-1g).


ago by (160 points)
0 0
I appreciate that you articulate how the claim is accurate but doesn't regard the long-term effects as well as the dosage, which could be key factors in how ashwagandha affects stress levels.

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