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in General Factchecking by Newbie (240 points) 1 flag
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LSU women's basketball star Angel Reese has been under fire since the beginning of her career at this school. Her confidence and competitiveness have garnered negative responses from many basketball fans, but more specifically, white basketball fans. For most of her basketball career, she’s been compared to Caitlin Clark. But they both get treated in completely different ways. One gets praised for their skills and competitiveness, while the other gets dragged on the media for being too "hood" and too "ghetto."

by (150 points)
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This article is extremely biased and had information that is opinionated and not factual. Angel Reese was a very dominant center for LSU and a highly paid player in the NCAA. Her and Caitlyn Clark were constantly pinned against each other in the eye of the media not for their race but for their major impact in the NCAA and close relation in age. Both became very well known in women's basketball and some favored Caitlyn Clark for the way she composed herself compared to Angel Reese.

5 Answers

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by Newbie (490 points)
selected ago by
Best answer

The source you used for your claim says in the title that it is an opinion-based claim, and it has no citations. Additionally, REVEILLE (the source you used) is a website centered around Angel Reese’s school, and the author of the article, Amyri Jones, is also a student at LSU, meaning that this is a biased source and the claim is opinion-based and unreliable. I also couldn’t find any news sites stating the same news and no statistics or surveys to support your claim. I think the headline of this article was intended to be an attention grabber rather than a fact-based article.

Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by (160 points)
Why did you use this article? This has some biased information and it’s not completely true. Angel Reese is compared to Caitlyn Clark mostly because they are both about the same age and also are such a big part in the NCAA and WBA
Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Newbie (200 points)
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This article is completely biased as the article is from an LSU website which is where Angel Reece went to school and the article is exaggerating a lot and misleading
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by (190 points)
This article is written by Angel Reese's school and that bias causes it to leave out some important facts. The article implies an act of competitive spirit by Reese that caused her to be unfairly criticized, but leaves the details out. This NYT opinion article (https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/19/opinion/clark-reese-wnba.html) clarifies things, saying that Clark made a more simple gesture at her opponent from a distance, whereas Reese got in Clark's face right after beating her and waved her hand right in front of her face, taunting her. These action's, of course, do not warrant the harassment and racism that Reese received, but it is most certainly unsportsmanlike behavior. What this article is correct about is the unfairness of the comparison between the two players. The same NYT article discusses how other big rivalries in basketball are between players with similar positions or roles on the team, but these two are not an example of that, supporting the idea that the comparison is manufactured by those who are wanting an excuse to express racism towards Reese.
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by Newbie (200 points)

This is a very biased opinion on Angel Reese and how she is viewed in public eye. Angel Reese was a very dominant Center for LSU Women's Basketball and she was also one of the highest paid players in the entire NCAA. This post is from an LSU website and brings up points that are not very relevant to the claim that was made.


by Newbie (460 points)
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While I agree with the points you make in your correction, I'm a bit skeptical of the use of Yahoo Sports as your source. Typically Yahoo Sports is meant for short and fast reads, and therefore doesn't afford the same amount of nuance that a more detailed, in-depth article might provide. Plus, as the Yahoo "article" states, its information still came from the LSU website, therefore still being a bit biased towards Angel Reese.
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ago by Newbie (300 points)
I am rating the claim that Angel Reece is the most hated WNBA player by white people as "can't be true or false" because the first thing you see when you click on the attached article is the word "Opinion" before the title of the article. The author of the article knows that what she is writing is just her opinion, and she clearly portrays that. If that isn't enough to show that this is an opinion piece, the author does not cite any real evidence or research to back up her claim. There are no facts to be checked here which is why I am rating this claim the way that I am.
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)

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