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Along with increasing availability and utilization of contraception, It is also important to confirm that the effects of contraception use on resumption of fertility after discontinuation However currently evidences on resumption of fertility after contraception ...

2 Answers

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ago by Newbie (480 points)
selected ago by
Best answer

In the article quoted for this claim, the conclusion of the study that was done proves the claim true, "Contraceptive use regardless of its duration and type does not have a negative effect on the ability of women to conceive following termination of use and it doesn’t significantly delay fertility". The National Institute of Health reached the same conclusion in a study conducted more recently regarding the fear that many people hold of reduced fertility with birth control use, conducted in 2023, "In a study of sexually active community college students, concern that contraception affects future fertility was associated with not using contraception, including hormonal methods". Clearly, people are fearful of negative affects of birth control and use this fear as reasoning not to use birth control. The claim is true and spreading misinformation in this area of study is harmful to many. 


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ago by Newbie (220 points)
For many women birth control is a safety net and a tool in healthcare, and without it so many women's lives could be altered by a pregnancy or other related issues that it helps ease. One of the largest rumors that has always existed is that birth control causes infertility, however this statement is false just as the claim above states as well. The article used to displace this long-term rumor quotes well known databases such as African Index Medicus and another example would be global health database. Each one in support of the claim "birth control does not cause infertility".
ago by Genius (43.7k points)
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