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ago in Climate Change by Newbie (200 points)
I've been keeping up on the multiple hurricanes that have slammed parts of Mexico and the south eastern coasts of the United States. After seeing lots about how there is a need to create a new category of hurricane because of how powerful these hurricanes have been and that these hurricanes in particular are pushing the mathematical limits of what we thought Earth was capable of creating.

The fact of climate change being behind these hurricanes is undeniable, but I'm curious to see how the Atlantic oceans temperatures compare to its temperatures in the past; as I've read that it is the hottest that it has ever been.

1 Answer

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ago by (140 points)
Yes this is true. The news source is climate.gov which is a government funded publication which has a fantastic reputation among consumers and scientists alike. Haley Thiem specializes in fact-over-opinion reporting and specializes in climate and meterology stories. This is current as it was published in June 2024. Other media sources including Vox and Yale University have reported similar findings in there publications. Quotes and images are all correct and accurate as well as the text is written with no bias and the headline is exactly what is proven in the article. This is a fantastically written article focusing entirely on fact and informing her audience about the problem at hand.
ago by (160 points)
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Your analysis of this claim is compelling, but I think it could benefit from additional sources. Specifically, I think you should attach the link to the Vox and Yale University reports agreeing with the original claim. You also mention that the author specializes in articles of this genre, but leave out where you found this information.

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