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in General Factchecking by Newbie (360 points)

Single individuals tend to be happier because they have their own personal independence and freedom with no annoyance of having someone else telling them what to do.

by Newbie (450 points)
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That's an interesting point about single individuals potentially being happier due to their independence and freedom. However, other research indicates that people in healthy, supportive relationships tend to report higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction. Having a partner can provide emotional support, companionship, and a sense of security, which are significant contributors to overall well-being. Ultimately, happiness is subjective and can vary greatly from person to person. It might be beneficial to look at studies that examine how happiness levels change over time for both single individuals and those in relationships to get a more comprehensive understanding.

9 Answers

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by Novice (610 points)
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Best answer
I believe that even though this website has accurate claims like people can be single and happy, there is more data that shows being married increases happiness levels in adults. In this website below, it talks about a study done that measured how adults rated their current life and their anticipated happiness in the future, and married people consistently reported higher life satisfaction.

Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Novice (990 points)
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I appreciate that the source you used from CNN also touches on the fact that people who feel as though they are in unhappy marriages would probably be less happy than single people. From that excerpt, it makes me wonder then how many of the 2.5 million married people who answered highly would have picked to participate if they were in an unhappy marriage.
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by Apprentice (1.1k points)

I think that while this is definitely an opinion some people have, it is not a completely fact-based statement as many people in relationships report higher levels of happiness compared to when not in a relationship. Everyone is different, and some people like to be alone and single, others like to be with someone and in a relationship. Both are great! 

Source - https://ifstudies.org/blog/who-is-happiest-married-mothers-and-fathers-per-the-latest-general-social-survey

Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Apprentice (1.7k points)
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I agree with this. I don't think that completely reliable data can be gathered to support a claim that single people are happier, since relationship status is such a personal preference for each individual. Some people like being single, while some want to be in a relationship.
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by Newbie (490 points)
I think the article gives accurate statements, pointing out that many people feel fulfilled in being single, because they enjoy their independence, and being happy as a result. But I don't think it is based on factual reality, because just as there are many people who are better off alone there are just as many who are happy in relationships. But I do like that the article tries to support, embrace and encourage those who are single.
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by Newbie (460 points)
Although the article claims single individuals tend to be happier single, I believe this is an opinion. They state that you get to have your own freedom and independence but this depends person to person. Everyone is different and some people may enjoy being in a relationship more than others.
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by Newbie (480 points)
The claim, "People who are single are happier" is false and misleading. According to the article they provided, "Yes, Single People Can be Happy and Healthy", it compares those in marriage to those who are singles and makes assumptions that there is a high demand in divorce and this is part of the evidence why people who are single are more likely to be happier than people who are married. This does not prove that single people are happier as it makes the assumption that one will live a happy life if they are single. In the article I have chosen "Are Single or Partnered People Happier?", it states that "...singlehood can indeed be a source of happiness for those who are not particularly interested in a romantic relationship". Which means that people who are single are happier ONLY if romantic relationships are not preferred. We can trust the source Psychology Today for information because this media uses clinical and scientific information.
Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Newbie (300 points)

The claim that single people are happier is false. The article listed by Time magazine is actually titled “Yes, Single People Can Be Happy and Healthy.” And reading through the article shows that the claim is never mentioned. What is stated is that “available evidence indicates that people in romantic relationships enjoy greater well-being than singles: They tend to be happier and report higher levels of life satisfaction.” This actually contradicts the claim made and is supported by real data collected. The title of the actual article is not misleading and states that just like people in relationships, single people can be happy too. But the claim made above twists the words from the article into a completely new, and untrue title with no evidence to support it.  

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by Novice (780 points)

Your claim that people are happier when they are single is more opinion based because it truly depends on the individual, but if we are looking at statistics, people tend to be happier when they are single. According to my source, it's because they are more satisfied with where they are in life and don't wish to have a wife/husband because they feel like they don't need one. Again, I feel like it is mostly dependent on who you ask because everyone has different views on this topic.

My source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/finding-new-home/202201/are-single-people-happy

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by (140 points)
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Hello! Good point, however do you know if Psychology Today is a good source to back up your claim? Although the article does provide some data from a German study, a majority is also still opinion based. To add do you think the article would have a different finding if it was a study based in a different country?
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by Newbie (340 points)
The writer Angela Haupt offers a nuanced view of the single people of the United States. She emphasizes that many have found happiness and self-fulfillment through their independence. Although this may be true, CNN reports that "married people consistently reported their happiness levels higher than their unmarried counterparts, ranging from 12% to 24% higher depending on the year." This is more of an opinion that may vary from person to person.
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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by Novice (700 points)


Based on this Time piece, single people can be happy and satisfied with their relationship status; however, the article and data do not indicate that they are happier than those in committed relationships. The claim mentioned independence and not “having someone else telling them what to do,” which are important factors, they do not increase single people’s happiness to an amount where they would be more miserable if they were in a romantic relationship. According to the National Library of Medicine, being single has been increasing worldwide because it is becoming more socially acceptable and many feel less pressured to set aside their priorities and have a relationship. An analysis of studies on happiness and marriage revealed that married people are happier, not just that happier people tend to get married, as the article claimed. Additionally, the United Kingdom’s Annual Population Survey discovered that marriage may ease the common mid-life dip in life satisfaction. Overall, the most cited advantages of remaining single were “more time for myself, focusing on my goals, [and] no one dictates my actions.” While community connection is an important part of maintaining one’s happiness and sense of belonging, a person’s happiness and life satisfaction are not, and should not be, connected to their romantic relationship status.

Exaggerated/ Misleading

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