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in General Factchecking by (150 points)

Sleep is extremely important for the human body. Studies have found that those who get less than six hours of sleep consistently are more likely to die earlier than those who get more sleep.


12 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)
The article refers to the American College of Cardiology article which overall states that sleep is in fact a patron to a person's over all health and heart health. There was a study held where the conclusion that was found was that sleeping less than 6 hours a night consistently had an increased risk of an earlier death for some. The study says that people who sleep 6-8 hours every night have a lower risk of early death and people who sleep less then 6 hours a night are at risk to that earlier time of death. The article also mentions that oversleeping can overtime lead to health issues as well.
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ago by Newbie (300 points)

After further research, the claim “people who get less sleep consistently, are more likely to die earlier” can be deemed as true. According to The Guardian’s article, Sleeping for less than six hours may cause early death, study finds, it states, “It found that those who generally slept for less than six hours a night were 12% more likely to experience a premature death over a period of 25 years than those who consistently got six to eight hours' sleep.” This claim is directly taken from the study done by the University of Warwick which was also agreed upon by a multitude of other sources including a study done by Harvard.






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