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in General Factchecking by (150 points)

Sleep is extremely important for the human body. Studies have found that those who get less than six hours of sleep consistently are more likely to die earlier than those who get more sleep.


22 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

The Statement people who get less sleep consistently are more likely to die earlier is True.I followed the link to the study and the study said that “the study included more than 1.3 million participants, followed up for up to 25 years, with more than 100,000 deaths recorded. “   The research done at the University of Warwick in collaboration with the Federico II University Medical School in Naples.” The Research “found that people who sleep for less than six hours each night were 12% more likely to die prematurely than those who get the recommended 6-8 hours.”  I researched and Britannica stated that The Guardian is a reputable newspaper in the UK. https://warwick.ac.uk/newsandevents/pressreleases/short_sleep_increases/  

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ago by Newbie (320 points)

According to Harvard Brain Science Initiative, extreme sleep deprivation can be life altering. Our bodies rely on our sleep cycles to restart and help organize things, so if we deprive ourselves of something our bodies rely on, there will be noticeable, detrimental effects on our health. This severe sleep deprivation could ultimately lead to premature death.


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