This claim is true. Looking at the article the claimer provided (News Consumption 2021), it shows a little graph about Americans and if they get news through social media. 29% said sometimes, as 24% said never. Now this article was also published in September 2021, so this was before Covid-19 hit. After Covid hit people got news from everywhere. Whether it was Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (known as “X” now), radios, live television, it has all changed somehow now. Now this article (published in November 2023) is a little more recent to the changes. In the article, it says “Since 2020, the number of Tik Tok users who say they get news on the app has almost doubled. A third of adults under 30 and 14 percent of all adults in the United States now regularly get news from the viral video app, though it still follows behind Instagram, Youtube, and Facebook.” We can see the changes now just through one social media app so imagine the changes on the others. (News Article 2023)