Many americans rely soley on social media for news. The writer of this post claims that a large portion of Americans use social media, especially apps such as twitter, youtube, tiktok, instagram and facebook for the news they recieve. Not only does the writer use a credible souce, from the Pew Research center, but they also provide helpful graphics and data that aligns with the information they're executing. Right off the bat, this writer recognizes the pew research center in their opening sentence. After researching the link and data provided in their claim, I noticed that although the title of the article doesn't say such an upfront claim, the subheading aligns with the information told by the writer on news fact checking. The subheading reads, "More than half of twitter user get news on the site regularly." Knowing this, i dove deeper into the context of the article. In the first paragraph, one of the first things I noticed was the sentence, "A little under half (48%) of U.S. adults say they get news from social media 'often' or 'sometimes.'" The context given shows that the claim made by the user on news fact checking wasn't exaggerted in the slightest. The title they use of "Many Americans" shows that they did the research on the pew research center's website and saw that they stated 48% percent. A false claim would've used the term "most" or "all" instead. Overall, I believe that the author of this fact check took the time to make sure they had data, a sufficient title, and enough evidence to back up their claim.
I double checked this information with the source Statistica. What I learned from my research was even more interesting, as it comes across as misinformation. Statistica says that according to the same study from the Pew Research Center, 54% of American Adults rely on social media for their news. This is an example of how fact checking can easily be misconstrued, as this was an exaggeration of the actual, true study conducted. The original statement is still true, being that the information is taken from the Pew Research Center, however the second source I found was false.