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in General Factchecking by
The Pew Research Center article titled "News Consumption Across Social Media in 2021" explains how Americans consume news on various social media platforms. It reveals that while a big portion of U.S. adults still get their news from social media, this trend has slightly declined compared to previous years. Facebook remains the most popular platform for news, followed by YouTube and Twitter, with younger users increasingly turning to Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat for news. Despite the frequent use of social media for news, the accuracy of information on these platforms is low. Most users consume news in short clips or snippets, rarely looking for in-depth analysis or other viewpoints, which can contribute to the spread of misinformation.
by (100 points)
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I agree with this statement and found evidence to back it up. I read the article published by the Pew Research Center and reviewed the facts. For example,  31% of American adults absorb their news from Facebook, and 22% get their news from YouTube. The PRC is a trusted source and the authors of the article clearly state how and what methods they used to receive their data, including what groups they included in their scientific studies. These studies were done within the last five years as well, in 2020 and 2021, which makes them still relevant today.
by Newbie (370 points)
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While the article does suggest that social media remains one of the most important news sources for Americans, popularity is on the decline. You have Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter as your main news platforms, with the younger audience moving toward Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. Also that misinformation is a pain and the people who read news only in small snippets. The report points out a little earlier that many Americans still rely on social media for news but have little trust in these media for good information. It also mentions that the tendency for users to consume news primarily through short clips and headline snippets contributes to the dissemination of misinformation and limits exposure to different viewpoints. I as well looked into the website https://www.weforum.org/stories/2022/11/social-media-adults-information-news-platforms/, which completely agrees with this article, and even sites it as well. Good work, this is a reliable website and a good claim!
by Newbie (260 points)
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I also agree with this take, this is very well researched. And there are multiple other websites that can back up this claim. I found one from PBS where  it states that 1 in 4 Americans will get their news from news influencers, especially for political sources. The majority of political influencers are men with no media background. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/about-20-of-americans-get-their-news-from-social-media-influencers-report-finds
by Newbie (430 points)
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This is a good point. The reliance on social media for news, especially in short snippets, makes fact-checking even more important, especially since misinformation spreads so easily.
by (100 points)
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I think that it is true that many Americans rely on social media but it is primarly the younger generations, my parents still use many different sources for news, although I myself use apps like TikTok and instagram as the main way I find news, I think the specification is necessary because the main people that are interested in the news are the older generations

54 Answers

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by Newbie (370 points)

With the rise of social media, traditional news outlets have seen a decline in their audience. Social platforms are now deeply embedded in daily life, offering quick and convenient ways to access information. According to surveys conducted by the Pew Research Center, a significant percentage of Americans now turn to social media for their news, a trend highlighted in a Washington Post article on the growing dominance of these platforms in news consumption. Social media is no longer just a supplemental source—it has become the primary way many people stay informed.

In 2021, nearly half of Facebook users (47%) and about 29% of TikTok users reported getting their news from these platforms. While misinformation can spread through traditional news outlets as well, social media presents a unique challenge, as content can be posted with little oversight and spread rapidly without fact-checking. Given the data and the sheer influence of social media in shaping public discourse, it’s clear that this shift is significant and worth critical attention.

Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/11/15/news-trends-social/ 

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by Newbie (490 points)
I believe this statement is true to an extent. The article provided has lots of evidence from surveys which respond to this question about where US Americans are receiving news. This evidence does show that an alarming percentage of Americans get their news from social media sites with 31% of Facebooks users receiving news on the site in 2021. This shows that the spread of news on social media sites is fairly common and often seen by users. This article is also written by a research analyst who have experience in journalism and media as well as the director from the Pew Research Center of News and Information Research making your source credible. I definitely believe that many US Americans are receiving their news from social media sites making your claim true, but it is not the case for all Americans in the country
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by Novice (560 points)
The claim comes from the pew research center article titled " news consumption across social media in 2021" this article conducts public opinion and polling of media analysis. pew is known for how reliable it's data is and methodology, making it a strong source for the claim.

In my own research From "Gallup/Knight foundation (2022): reported that 48% percent of amerrcians say they use social media for their inquiry of news at least some of the time, but the overall trust from social media lower then the traditional outlets.

While it's true many Americans get news from social media, it's important to consider that it's a much younger demographic, and the overall concerns about misinformation, make people more skeptical of social media news. My final verdict is that the claim is accurate, but overall lacks context about the risks.
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ago by Newbie (330 points)

The statement seems to be accurate. Both the Pew Research Center and Forbes Magazine report that over 45% of people get their news from social media, with Pew at 48% and Forbes at 64.5%. The differences in the data is probably caused by different survey techniques and the three year gap between the papers' publication dates. Regardless, a significant amount of the population gets their news via social media.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicolemartin1/2018/11/30/how-social-media-has-changed-how-we-consume-news/


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