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Do violent video games make young people aggressive? This is an article made by New York Times.

12 Answers

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ago by (180 points)

Do video games make young people more aggressive? The author of this article, Anahad O'Connor, seems to believe so, as indicated by his strong headline. However, the article is quite outdated and fails to cite research supporting this claim. Much of the evidence O’Connor presents relies on beliefs and references one significant study by Dr. Kieffer, which has been ongoing for 20 years before this article. Kieffer's research states, "In general, children exposed to virtual bloodshed showed greater short-term increases in hostility toward peers and authority figures than those exposed to more benign games." However, Oxford student–Przybylski– concluded that violent video games have no long-term or permanent effects on aggressive behaviour. The article ultimately argues that studies generally show violent video games can have short-term effects on children, but there is little evidence of long-term changes. Consequently, O’Connor's claims appear exaggerated and misleading, likely intended to grab readers' attention rather than to provide an accurate understanding of the issue. statement; “studies generally show that violent video games can have short-term, or momentary, effects on children, but there is little evidence of long-term changes.” 




Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by (180 points)

The New York Times article, "Violent Video Games Make Young People Aggressive" is an incredibly misleading and exaggerated title meant to draw eyes and clicks. The article offered two sets of studies, one from the American Psychological Association which found that violent video games can cause young people to have "short-term" bursts of aggression and hostility toward other young people or authority figures and the other claimed that violent video games have had no permanent effect on young people. 
After researching I found this article that agrees with the latter.

Exaggerated/ Misleading

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