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in General Factchecking by Novice (730 points)
One person has died and four other people were injured after an elevator malfunctioned that temporarily trapping 23 tourists in the Mollie Kathleen Mine in Colorado. The 23 individuals have been safely rescued since.

3 Answers

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by Novice (530 points)
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Best answer

This claim is true, I have reviewed your source and compared the numbers to other sources such as CBS, CNN, and ABC News. After extensive research I can confirm 1 person died, 4 people were injured, and 23 individuals were rescued after an elevator malfunction in colorado.

by Innovator (50.9k points)
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Always include source links within your fact-check. Thanks!
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by Novice (900 points)
This is true. This is true because It has been confirmed (on their website) Mollie Kathleen Mine themselves, the company that performs the tours. There are also many other articles by Today, CBS, BBC and local news like The Colorado Sun confirming the accident.
by Innovator (50.9k points)
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Always include source links within your fact-check. Thanks!
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by Novice (900 points)

This is a fact. The numbers in each article about how many were injured(4), how many were rescued(23), and how many died(1), were identical across the 3 articles I looked at. These articles were CNN, Fox News, and the provided NBC article.  The rest of the information provided in the articles comes from the mines website , and a press interview that the Teller County Sheriff, Jason Mikesell did. As of now there is no cause yet, still under investigation, but it is mentioned in the CNN article that it is believed to be a mechanical issue. So yes, this is a true claim


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