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in General Factchecking by Newbie (450 points)
Youngsters report problems with anxiety, depression, sleep and “FoMO”
by (180 points)
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Your comment was more informative than the actual post. I never thought of the link between social media and mental health in that way. This does seems like a very subjective topic to be discussing so broadly.
by Newbie (200 points)
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I find this topic very relevant, as these days social media is a part of everyday life for most people. I found the graph used in the article you provided as a very helpful way of showing people's associations between the different social medias and different words, and if they feel positive or negative.
by Newbie (230 points)
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I agree with your topic. I believe that this is one of those bigger topics that is spoken about a lot in this generation. I do agree that social media can cause depression and anxiety because there is a lot of articles/real people going through this, but this doesn't necessarily apply to every person. Many people can benefit from social media when it comes to things like getting help with things they need, business ideas, or ways to better yourself etc. I will drop down to articles which can make your topic better, one that is agrees with your topic and another one that others might relate to more! https://health.ucdavis.edu/blog/cultivating-health/social-medias-impact-our-mental-health-and-tips-to-use-it-safely/2024/05
by (140 points)
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I think that this is a very true statement. many people have done research on this topic and a lot of people can see negative effects. Even when looking at ourselves we can see the negative effects and the control that it can have over us.   

ago by (100 points)
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I agree with the statement that heavy use of social media is linked to mental illness. Social media is a great way to communicate with others while being alone. Yes it can bring you together with people, but it is really making people more separated in their society. Going on social media most if not all the people posting, are showing their "best" version of themselves, and as a viewwer who only sees these people through the screen it seems like their life is perfect, which is false. No ones life is perfect, so it is very easy to escape to social media and find new desires or even be jealous of how others are living. In the end social media is a huge part of escapism and causes people to be more isolated, unhappy, and have an increase of mental illnesses. It has also proven that by even just looking at a screen it negatively impacts your mind.

65 Answers

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ago by (150 points)
edited ago by

After a thorough fact check, I was able to verify that the many other websites and sources such as the Stanford Law School website and the Yale Medicine website have also posted similar articles and information abou this topic. I was not, however, able to verify the author of this story effeciently, because it was made by the whole data team of The Economist and these articles and postings are from several years ago. After all of this fact checking, I am now able to verfiy that this is not news because this article appears to be just opinion, and even though there is a lot of news indeicating that social media use is affecting mental health this specific article does not seem to be based on actual facts and data. 

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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ago by Newbie (330 points)

Heavy social media use can be linked to mental illness. After reading some articles the common theme with heavy use of social media is the weight it can hold over people. Some have been known to be addicted which results in them not getting anything done. Others have been seen as having FOMO (Fear of missing out) if their friends are posting or just random people posting them doing stuff. All the evidence points to the two being linked but there is another side to it. Social media has also connected and brought people together. Especially during the recent Covid pandemic when the whole country was on lock down and the only way people could see what was going on with friends and family was social media. 


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ago by Novice (690 points)

The National Library of Medicine found that increased time on social media can lead to various mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress, mental deprivation, etc. The risk of developing these issues was found to be correlated to the amount of time spent on social media and how often one was using social media. Additionally, it was found that social media can lead to negative impacts on one's self-esteem due to comparison, burnout, stress, and social anxiety from the lack of real-life interactions. The National Library of Medicine is a credible source and therefore this claim is true. 

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ago by Newbie (260 points)
The claim that "heavy use of social media is linked to mental illness" is backed up by  scientific studies. Research has shown a positive correlation between the use of social media to depression, anxiety, and even psychological distress. In conclusion heavy usage of social media is linked with poor quality of sleep which can only worsen the mental health. Research from Stanford medicine also reveals that social media use can impact the brain, and even more during adolescence years, which can affect emotional regulation and impulse control.

Link- https://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2021/10/29/addictive-potential-of-social-media-explained/

Link- https://thesocialdilemma.com/
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ago by Newbie (260 points)
This is a solid claim, the research in the article is convincing, it is easy to see how users on apps like instagram can fall into mental health issues with overuse. This claim is also supported by research at UC Davis, specifying that it can cause issues such as depression, anxiety, and increased FOMO.

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