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in General Factchecking by Newbie (410 points)

"Doctors noted that the silicone implant was likely responsible for deflecting the bullet’s trajectory – ultimately saving the woman’s life."


by Newbie (370 points)
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This statement is misleading. While it is possible for a breast implant to protect someone from a bullet wound, a study conducted by plastic surgeon Christopher Pannucci found that a silicone implant only reduces a bullet's average distance by 20%
by Novice (620 points)
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that quote completely disproved your point, just because something changes the trajectory of a bullet does not make it bulletproof.
by Newbie (220 points)
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This is an interesting study and if done correctly could save a woman's life. Although it would be beneficial for a breast implant to also have a feature that it is bulletproof, it is only reflecting the trajectory of the bullet which could make the article's headline a little misleading.
by Newbie (340 points)
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I like that you included a study that supports for point. I think the quote in the CNN article is not used correctly in their claim. Just because someone's breast implant was a likely stop to the bullet in no way means that all implants are bulletproof. I looked more into the study you found and it does say that a breast implant has the ability the reduce a bullet's ability to penetrate, but to say that all are bulletproof implies that all breast implants are 100% bulletproof, which is clearly not correct. I agree with your explanation and appreciate the source that you gave to disprove this claim.
by Newbie (260 points)
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Unfortunantly I think they are explaining the reason this person survived an incident, rather than saying that all breast implants are bulletproof.

32 Answers

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by Newbie (440 points)

The claim “Silicone in breast implants are bulletproof” is false. According to dr-adams.com, "A knife and/or bullet can easily penetrate through an implant". Silicone is not a material that is manufactured to be bulletproof.

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by Newbie (260 points)
Unfortunantly I think they are explaining the reason this person survived an incident, rather than saying that all breast implants are bulletproof.
Exaggerated/ Misleading

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