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in General Factchecking by Newbie (310 points)

"Doctors noted that the silicone implant was likely responsible for deflecting the bullet’s trajectory – ultimately saving the woman’s life."


by (120 points)
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this comment is not necessarily true and very misleading. looking at the article, the woman says her implants did save her life, however, they just changed the trajectory of the bullet. so while they did save this woman's life, that does not mean they are bulletproof. the bullet still went through the implant.
by (180 points)
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The claim that "Silicone in breast implants are bulletproof" is false and misleading. The article and study state that the silicone breast implant deflected the bullet's trajectory, but they do not claim that the implant is bulletproof. The study highlights that the implant slowed and altered the bullet's path, which likely saved the woman's life by preventing the bullet from hitting vital organs. However, this does not mean the implant is bulletproof or can provide reliable protection against bullets in general, and it is not accurate to say breast implants are bulletproof.
by Novice (520 points)
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I really like your response to this claim because it clarifies a common misconception by focusing on the specific claim versus the actual information provided by the article. It helps a reader understand that while an implant may have deflected a bullet in one rare case, this does not mean implants are bulletproof.
by Novice (860 points)
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This is a very misleading claim. While the article stated that the implant deflected the bullet's trajectory, in no way did it state that it was bulletproof.
ago by Newbie (290 points)
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This statement is misleading. While it is possible for a breast implant to protect someone from a bullet wound, a study conducted by plastic surgeon Christopher Pannucci found that a silicone implant only reduces a bullet's average distance by 20%

31 Answers

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ago by Newbie (340 points)

The claim “Silicone in breast implants are bulletproof” is false. According to dr-adams.com, "A knife and/or bullet can easily penetrate through an implant". Silicone is not a material that is manufactured to be bulletproof.


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