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in General Factchecking by Newbie (320 points)

According to ABC News, a partial autopsy revealed that Liam Payne had multiple substances in his body, but also found that the cause of his death was from “multiple trauma” and “internal and external bleeding.” Twenty-five injuries were reported on Payne's body, the report stated that Payne's head injuries were sufficient to cause death and that the cause of death was related to the height of the fall, says Blackwelder. 

ago by (100 points)
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Yes Liam Payne was found dead with drugs in his system, but this was not the cause of death. According to NBC news Liam Payne was highly intoxicated the night of his death but the article states 'The report stated that Payne's head injuries were sufficient to cause death and the cause of death was related to the height of his fall.'. The cause of death was related to his fall, I do agree drugs could have played a role is his unsafe behavior but drugs were not the cause of death like you stated.
ago by Newbie (310 points)
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Incredible job at fact checking this claim. I like that you included the different amount of times that drugs stay in your system to display a timeline of what could've happened.
ago by Novice (560 points)
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This is an exceptionally well-informed and well-thought out factcheck. I enjoyed that you included the amount of time certain drugs stay in an individual's system, so that readers could form an accurate timeline. This really added perspective to the circumstances of Payne's death and, while drugs played a large role, they were not the ultimate cause of his death
ago by Newbie (240 points)
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I think there are a lot of factors that go into Liam Payne's death. From what we know, he was on multiple illegal drugs, acting out in public, and desperate for attention in the moments leading up to his death. Your claim is true that he was on drugs and definitely connected to his death but I don't think anyone, besides him, would know the real reason he is no longer with us today. I would recommend finding more articles that back up this claim.
ago by Newbie (210 points)
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Yes there was drugs found in his system but he was also acting out in public, his hotel room was a mess so there was multiple reasons for his death. If an autopsy was added into this data and more information towards his death

30 Answers

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by Newbie (430 points)

Now let's be clear he died because he fell off of a balcony. The drugs didn't kill him but to be fair it did lead him to his death is the best way to put it. Unless pink cocaine is a powerful drug than we could say it did lead to his death not a lot of people about it and it's a new drug. The first time everyone heard of it was after Liam died. But we never know everyone has different reaction to drugs according to Bridget Brennan, a special narcotics prosecutor from New York. Liam didn't only take this drug he had others in his body but the pink cocaine is the one getting the most attention. Now if he was on the first floor or on ground level he might have survived but we never know that is just a theory. But at the end of the day the drugs weren't the thing that killed him it was the fall. May god rest his soul.



Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Newbie (230 points)

This claim is misleading.  Well yes, Liam Payne died with drugs in his system and likely was going through an "episode" related to the drugs in his system his offical cause of death was the injuries he sustained during a fall from 3 stories up.  He did have multiple drugs in his system including, pink cocaine, benzodiazepine, and crack the cause of his death was not directly an overdose but rather a frantic episode caused by the mulitple drugs in his system.  

Here are two articles related to the intial report of his death and the report just after getting toxicology results back. 



Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Newbie (300 points)
The claim that Liam Payne died because of drugs is misleading. According to the linked ABC news article, Payne died after falling from the balcony of his hotel room on the third floor. The article further explains that a preliminary autopsy revealed Payne's cause of death to be extreme injuries including internal and external bleeding related to the height of his fall. Though the autopsy also revealed that Payne had multiple substances in his system at the time of his death, the claim that he died because of drugs is not consistent with the results of the autopsy. It could be inferred from this that the amount of drugs in Payne's system contributed to his fall, however ultimately the claim that Liam Payne died because of drugs is misleading.
Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Newbie (300 points)

This question can be difficult to answer, but Liam Payne did not die from the drugs in his system during his time of death. When Liam fell from his balcony, he was still alive, it was not the drugs in his system that killed him,rather it was the blunt force trauma to his head from when he hit the ground. Through his drug use could have lead to him flying off the balcony, the drugs itself did not make his heart stop beating. Liam reportedly died from internal and external bleeding from his fall. In a Billboard article it states “The autopsy also notes that Payne’s body was taken to the Judicial Morgue Wednesday night and studied by forensic doctors from 9:45 p.m. to 11:05 p.m. They concluded that 25 injuries — including to the skull, abdomen and limbs — identified on the musician were compatible with those caused by a fall from a height.” leaving it obvious that his injuries were the real cause of his passing. 




Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Novice (660 points)

The claim that Liam Payne died because of drugs is misleading and an oversimplification of a tragic death. On October 16th, Liam Payne died after falling from the balcony of his hotel room in Argentina. The original article from ABC news claims that the former one direction singer had "pink cocaine", (a combination of meth, ketamine, and MDMA), cocaine, benzodiazepine, and crack in his system when he died. According to an article from Today, this is true. "a series of substances were seized from the musician’s room, which would prove a previous situation of alcohol and drugs consumption." The independent also spins a similar story; "A preliminary toxicology report found that the former One Direction singer, who died on October 16 at age 31, had drugs in his system at the time of his death."  However, this isn't necessarily how he died. Many articles have immediately jumped to the assumption that Payne died because of the drugs, and while it is most definitely a factor, it is not what killed him. The same Today article goes on to explain that Liam Payne died of "Polytrauma and Internal and External Bleeding." His death was in fact a result of the fall. According to the Today article, he sustained 25 injuries from the fall and the prosecutors office confirmed that these injuries are what killed him. Nearly every article I found eventually says the same or very similar things about Paynes death. Unfortunately, the headlines always make it seem as though he died strictly from the drugs, which is not true.



Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Newbie (270 points)
While I do think drugs played a part in the death of the artist, simply stating that 'he died from drugs' is misleading and does not talking about the other underlying things that the artist was dealing with such as mental health problems.
Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Newbie (250 points)
The claim that Liam Payne died because of drugs is false. While it is 100% true that drugs were found in his body, it was not the cause of his death. The ABC article mentions that "pink cocaine" was found in the dead singer's body from an autopsy report but never explicitly says that was the cause. The article goes on to mention that the hotel staff was worried for his life because the drugs may cause him to harm himself. Liam Payne had suffered a fall from his hotel balcony. It also states that his death was due to multiple traumas and internal and external bleeding. While Liam Payne was, in fact, on drugs during the time of his death, the cause of his death was his fall from the balcony, resulting in 25 injuries. Another reputable article from The Guardian also states that Liam's head injuries were enough to cause death.

It is false to put the causation between the drugs and his death. Instead, the causation is from the multiple injuries. The drugs were only correlated with his death, but not caused by.

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ago by Newbie (230 points)
To say Liam Payne died "because of drugs" is a little exaggerated. According to TODAY, Payne's toxicology report stated that the fall from the hotel led to severe injuries and health officials declared him dead on the scene. However, a plethora of drugs were found in his hotel room, along with a great amount in his system at the time of his death, including methamphetamine, MDMA, ketamine, pink cocaine, and crack. The New York Times reiterates this. To say that he died because of drugs implies he overdosed, which could be true (we don't know exactly at this time). However, his assumed ultimate cause of death according to many news sources and the toxicology report was his 3-story fall from his hotel, not exclusively the drugs in his system.
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ago by Newbie (300 points)

The claim that Liam Payne died because of drugs was published ABC news, in this article and many others that were published linked below, they found "Pink Cocaine" in his bloodstream along with crack cocaine. However this is not the reason he died he did not overdose on drugs, he fell of a hotel balcony because he was taking the drugs and was too high to know what he was doing. NBC and The Guardian both state that the cause of death coming from a autopsy was because he fell off the hotel balcony and had nothing to do with the drugs in his system, from the fall he suffered major internal bleeding leading to his death. So yes Liam Payne did have drugs in his system when he died, however that was not the cause of his death. 



Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by (180 points)

Reports suggesting that Liam Payne's death was caused by drugs seem to be misleading. Although the toxicology report did find drugs in his system, the preliminary autopsy indicates that the actual cause of death was his fall from the third floor. Hotel staff had reportedly called law enforcement for assistance with a guest who appeared “drunk with drugs and alcohol” (Blackwelder), so it’s possible his impaired state played a role in the fall. However, his death ultimately resulted from the injuries sustained in the fall, not from drugs. Other news outlets like NBC News, The Guardian, and People have noted the drugs in his system but do not claim they were the cause of his death.




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