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in General Factchecking by Newbie (270 points)
During the Trump and Kamala debate, Trump made a wild claim that "Illegal Immigrants" are eating cats and dogs in Dayton Ohio. After digging into those claims almost every single news source went directly to the scenes in Dayton to discover the truth and as CBS News confirms there have been zero incident reports of anyone, let alone Immigrants eating any animals.
by Newbie (480 points)
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According to the title "Donald Trump Vs Kamala Harris I 'They're Eating The Dogs' I Yes, He Really Said That I Explained", the readers are able to make assumptions that this source is about Trump making statements that immigrants from Haiti are eating domestic pets. The claims made by Trump are false and we can see this from the article I have found "Trump repeats baseless claim about Haitian immigrants eating pets". This article uses true and factual evidence and we are able to observe this from how its confirmed by BBC verify and BBC News. Additionally, BBC mentions where that claim on Haitian immigrants originated from and why that claim is false. Searching up the Author, Merlyn Thomas and Mike Wendling, I was able to see that the authors are verified BBC journalists and have numerous reliable articles published further proving that this article is true.
by Newbie (470 points)
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Nice job in breaking down why this claim is not credible or reputable. This is a very hot claim right now and is all over social media and the news, so it is important to look deeper to figure out whether or not this event really happened. Great job!
by (100 points)
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The comments made by Donald Trump about Haitians in Ohio eating people's cats and dogs during this recent presidential debate are completely unfounded, and I could not find a single reputable source that backs them up. The BBC released an article about his claims and traced the source of this rumor to several posts made by pro-Trump supporters on Twitter. The city officials themselves state that they have not received reports of anyone eating any pets. Some very reputable news organizations have disproved these racist claims, and after reviewing their evidence, I trust that they are correct in their findings that this information Trump gave was incorrect.
ago by (100 points)
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After reviewing the video and conducting additional research, there is no credible evidence to support this claim. CBS News and other reputable news sources have not reported any verified cases of immigrants eating cats or dogs in Dayton, Ohio.
This type of claim fits into the category of disinformation or fear-mongering aimed at stirring up anti-immigrant sentiment.
ago by Newbie (300 points)
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The was a statement made by President Donald Trump during his debate with Kamala Harris last summer. He stated that “illegal immigrants” in Dayton Ohio were eating cats and dogs (pets). This claim became an internet sensation but also further pushed racist agendas against immigrants in the United States.
    This claim was immediately disproven. CBS News reported on Trump’s statement, sharing that the Ohio Police disputed these allegations. “We stand by our immigrant community and there is no evidence to even remotely suggest that any group, including our immigrant community, is engaged in eating pets. Seeing politicians or other individuals use outlandish information to appeal to their constituents is disheartening.".
    To further prove this wrong, the woman who allegedly started this rumor came forward and apologized. She explains that this spiraled out of control and was completely false.
    This statement is ultimately untrue. The people of Ohio have disputed the claim, as well as the woman who started it in the first place. This was taken to far by President Donald Trump, using it to skew the minds of voters to agree with his immigration policies.

28 Answers

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by Novice (900 points)

The claim about illegal immigrants eating pets in Ohio is altogether not true. Law enforcement officers- including the Dayton Police-have denied the allegations on multiple occasions. As a matter of fact, the fellow that started this rumor had apologized and retracted his statement as out and out false. Now, this unfounded rumor represents the dangers of misleading information and the need to examine such information from credible sources. It is important in our lives to rely only on fact reporting and stop fueling harmful stereotypes with baseless accusations.

Links of sources 




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by Newbie (420 points)

This is an inaccurate claim. There have been many articles proving that there is no evidence of immigrants eating cats or dogs in Ohio, such as  https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ohio-police-dispute-new-allegations-immigrants-are-eating-pets-in-dayton/. The person that initially made the claim has apologized for the false statement.

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by Newbie (300 points)

This claim is entirely false. During a debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, Donald Trump claimed that Haitian immigrants were killing and consuming domestic pets in Dayton, Ohio. His claim was baseless and entirely untrue. According to CBS News, Dayton police have stated that there is absolutely no evidence that could possibly support these claims. The Dayton Police Department called the accusations "irresponsible" as they have in turn caused a spike in violence against the immigrant population in the town. Chief Kamran Afzal stated, "Seeing politicians or other individuals use outlandish information to appeal to their constituents is disheartening". The BBC reached out to Trump's team for a statement on the matter and they chose not to comment.

Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ohio-police-dispute-new-allegations-immigrants-are-eating-pets-in-dayton/


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by Newbie (300 points)

I wish that this claim was actually just satire, or better yet, wasn't said in the first place, but it is as a matter of fact, false. A BBC article described it as "a baseless claim", and that city officials told them that there have been “no credible reports"

additionally, in the BBC article they explain how it gained so much traction initially, which was caused by it being "spread on social media, with Republican vice-presidential candidate JD Vance promoting it on X. The post has had more than 11 million views." 

CBC also has an article that has the same stance, as well KTVU, USA Today, & NBC News, to name a few. 

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

Starting in September 2024, false claims spread across the internet saying Haitian immigrants were stealing and eating pets in Springfield, Ohio. The claims began with a local Facebook group post claiming a local cat had been butchered and eaten.  JD Vance argues that media isn't paying enough attention to unchecked immigration and the impact it's having on smaller cities. JD Vance said himself "If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that's what I'm going to do." Although there are skyrocketing amount of Haitian immigrants they aren't eating and terrorizing animals around the City of Springfield, Ohio.

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

Illegal immigrants in Ohio are not eating Cats and Dogs. This acquisition is false since there has not been any proof of this happening. No evidence has been posted and people are just saying this because of Trump's previous words.

https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c77l28myezko Shares some words on how there to this day hasn't been any evidence connecting back to this. 

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ago by Newbie (300 points)
Trump made a wild claim earlier in the fiscal year, claiming that illegal immigrants in the US, particularly Ohio, were eating household pets. After some research, various news outlets including the BBC and NBC news have confirmed that there are no credible incident reports. Trump's ill-backed fact checking and disregard for the truth has proven to threaten immigrant communities. Nonetheless, this claim is false.


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ago by Newbie (300 points)

The was a statement made by President Donald Trump during his debate with Kamala Harris last summer. He stated that “illegal immigrants” in Dayton Ohio were eating cats and dogs (pets). This claim became an internet sensation but also further pushed racist agendas against immigrants in the United States.

This claim was immediately disproven. CBS News reported on Trump’s statement, sharing that the Ohio Police disputed these allegations. “We stand by our immigrant community and there is no evidence to even remotely suggest that any group, including our immigrant community, is engaged in eating pets. Seeing politicians or other individuals use outlandish information to appeal to their constituents is disheartening.". 

To further prove this wrong, the woman who allegedly started this rumor came forward and apologized. She explains that this spiraled out of control and was completely false. 

This statement is ultimately untrue. The people of Ohio have disputed the claim, as well as the woman who started it in the first place. This was taken to far by President Donald Trump, using it to skew the minds of voters to agree with his immigration policies. 




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• Always list your sources and include links so readers can check them for themselves.
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• Watch for bias in sources and let readers know if you find anything that might influence their perspective.
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