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ago in General Factchecking by Newbie (250 points)
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Donald Trump's opposition to “woke” safety standards for artificial intelligence would likely mean the dismantling of regulations that protect Americans from misinformation, discrimination, and worse.

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ago by Novice (920 points)
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This article backs the claim that "a trump win could unleash dangerous AI" by showing the Republican Party platform, is in support of repealing Biden's executive order on AI regulation. I was able to find multiple sources suport this stance from the Republican Party platform. The article then goes on to state that the executive order gives two provisions that are vital to keeping AI safe. One of these requires companies that develop powerful AI to report on how vulnerable their AI is and what safety measure they are using. The other provision makes sure that AI developers have good guidance on how to make their AI safe and non biased. I was able to find the executive order on the official Whitehouse.gov and both of these provisions are present. Due to the likely that Trump will get rid of the executive order, due to the republican party's stance on it and the fact that the executive order legally forces AI developers to be mindful of their creations, it is safe to say Trump Winning could lead to less predictable and more dangerous AI. 




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