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13 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

The claim that female seahorses don't give birth, the males do seems to be a true claim, according to the National Ocean Service. Seahorses are apart of the pipefish family, the female seahorse transfers the eggs while the male seahorse carries the egg until it's ready to be pushed out. This is also the case with their close relatives, sea dragons. 

Sources: https://animals.howstuffworks.com/fish/male-seahorses-give-birth.htm



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ago by Newbie (300 points)

The article is published by The National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), an official government organization in the United States dedicated to providing, “data, tools, and services that protect our ecosystems and enhance climate and economic resilience.” Furthermore, the statistics stated in the article can be backed by other sources. An article posted by the University of Sydney states, “male pregnancy is rare, only occurring in a group of fish that includes seahorses, seadragons, pipehorses, and pipefish.” It also mentions that male seahorse can give birth to up to 1,000 babies, both facts that were also stated in the NOAA article. Additionally Smore Science Magazine and the NOAA article both mention that infant seahorses have a 0.5% survival rate. Based on the article being published by an official government source, and the confirmation that the information being presented is reliable, this claim is indeed true. 



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ago by Newbie (300 points)

This Fact Checks claim is that: Female Seahorses do not give birth, the males do.

In the article used to prove this claim it is stated that once the female seahorses eggs are matured they are then transferred to the males brood pouch where they are fertilized. At the end of the gestational period the male experiences strong muscular contractions that push 12-1000 fully formed baby seahorses into the water (National Ocean Service). 


After further research and analysis of similar articles this claim proves to be true. Although the female carried the egg for a period of time due to the male carrying and contracting these fully grown babies out, the male is the one officially giving birth. The National Ocean Service article used in this claim is a very credible source. The National Ocean Service is a federal agency that manages, protects, and observes the oceans and coasts. Information posted to this site is very credible. 

Another credible source to back up this claim is the University of Sydney's research on this topic where they come to the same conclusion on this unique way seahorses give birth. 


This claim proves to be true though it's credible source, information, and others I found through my research. 


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