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ago in General Factchecking by (190 points)

The claim win this article is that UFOs are real. Due to my research I found several instances on people claiming and have been real-life reporting of UFO encounters. "Decades-long Pentagon program focused on “crash retrieval and reverse engineering” of UFOs from other planets. Grusch also said that remains found at the spacecraft crash sites were “non-human biologics"" (CNN). 

1 Answer

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ago by Newbie (300 points)
The claim is that UFOs are real. The claim is true. Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, or UAP for short, is a real description that the US Government uses to describe unidentified flying objects or more commonly known as UFOs. One example of this is the US government shooting down Chinese weather balloons due to them being UAPs. While UAPs are true, the contents of the UAPs or what the UAPs are in general is subjective and can remain unknown. But at it's core, there are such things that the US government tags as UAPs or UFOs.


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