2 Answers

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by Novice (900 points)
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Best answer

According to BBC Science Focus, although it appears that platypuses "sweat" milk, they actually secrete it from their skin but cannot actually sweat because they are aquatic. They don't have nipples but still do have glands and a process similar to how humans sweat. That is why this claim can be confusing at times because it appears they sweat when they actually can't. Meaning no Platypuses don't sweat milk, rather disperse it over their skin. That makes this claim a a little Misleading. 



Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Novice (600 points)

This "fact" is partially true. Yes, Platypus' don't have nipples, but they don't actually sweat out milk in order to feed offspring. According the American Museum of Natural History, milk is secreted through the mammary gland ducts, which is dispersed over the skin and nursing babies lap it up from the tufts of fur. It isn't sweated through the skin at all. 

Exaggerated/ Misleading

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