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in General Factchecking by Newbie (380 points)
The article states that there are many causes of infertility such as Endometriosis, low sperm count, Polycystic ovary Syndrome and more. It explains how even doctors get asked all the time if Birth control is one of those causing factors for infertility. The answer is no, it doesn't cause infertility but can hide other health problems such as Endometriosis. There are many different types of birth control and a lot of them might have different effects on people that could bring up worries and fear of infertility in their future. An IUD is seemed to scare people the most with the panic of becoming infertile but as long as it was put in correctly and your communicating with your doctor its not harmful. Many women today have difficulties getting pregnant and many are scared to be put on birth control because of that. However, the source gives reasonable insights on how different types of birth control works and how it doesn't conclude in being infertile. After reading and looking at all the information provided this claim is true with the evidence and doctor support provided.
by Newbie (330 points)
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I appreciate your well-thought out response and I found this very insightful and interesting! I believe your claim and agree with you. Your source is reliable and credible. If you wanted to add an excerpt from the article into your claim that could help prove your argument, but other than that good job!
by Apprentice (1.7k points)
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I didn't know that you could become infertile from Endometriosis, I found that really interesting. I think you had a great and thorough response to this claim and really explained the evidence to why it does not cause infertility. You also included a trust worthy source which makes your claim stronger, nice work.

1 Answer

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by Newbie (300 points)
I am supporting this claim and providing further evidence. This article from Beaufort Memorial explains that birth control only temporarily affects one's cycle and once its effects wear off the cycle will return back to normal. Issues with fertility are beyond the use of birth control.


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