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in General Factchecking by Novice (970 points)
I watched a Tiktok that was talking about the amount of Uncrustables each NFL team eats in a week but don't recall what news publication it was from. This Daily Mail article covers the same story, but am curious as to if this breakdown is real or not.
by Novice (860 points)
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This Daily Mail article claims that players in the NFL team eat over 80,000 Uncrustables a year, or approximately  3600-4300 Uncrustables a week. The cited Daily Mail article is from a New York Times poll, so it is safe to say that this is a true claim.

by Novice (520 points)
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The article suggests that the NFL as a whole, go through 4,300 Uncrustables per week, adding up to over 80,000 per year. It also included specific claims of teams such as Denver going through 700 per week or Cinncinnati with just 50 per week. The data is sourced back to The Athletic (https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5854102/2024/10/24/uncrustables-nfl/). The Athletic obtained this data directly from the teams themselves, as well as through direct contact with the company of uncrustables. According to Ad Fontes Media (https://adfontesmedia.com/), Daily Mail has a score of 31.87/64 on the reliability chart, meaning there could be a range of reliability possibilities across articles. It also is ranked as minimally biased. Although it does not rank incredibly on the reliability chart, the data presented in this article originates from The Athletic, which ranks much higher, along with obtaining the information from direct sources. The author of this article, Daniel Matthews is an award winning sports writer Mail Sport's US desk in NYC, with countless credible reports. This article was very recently published based on the new, current news of the uncrustables coming out. Many other news sources reported on the same topic such as Bleacher Report (https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10140714-report-broncos-players-eat-700-uncrustables-each-week-in-nfl-season-seahawks-320). Overall, this claim from Daily Mail appears to be true.

2 Answers

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by Novice (600 points)
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Best answer
This is surprisingly correct. An article by The Athletic (NYT) says that NFL teams eat at least 80,000 Uncrustables sandwiches per year. What I find fascinating is that out of all of the NFL teams, the Denver Broncos eat at least 700 uncrustables per week. The article cites how easy they are to eat, as well as how portable they are as some of the main reasons why NFL players love to eat them so much. It also states that 80,000 uncrustables sandwiches can cover 18 yards of a football field.

by Novice (930 points)
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I really loved the many exact stats you included within your response. It allows me to get a better gauge on truly how many uncrustables are eaten by the NFL in a year (18 yards of a football field is crazy!). As well, I really liked how you included your own opinion in your response not enough to deem it biased or swayed, but just adding details that we as readers wouldn't have immediately known.
by Newbie (350 points)
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This is a great fact check! You really made it easier to visualize how many uncrushable sandwiches these NFL teams are consuming. 700 per week is unbelievable. I like how you made this info easy to understand, as well are provided a source.
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by Newbie (280 points)

The Athletic by the New York Times makes a similar claim in this article (nytimes.com). They also claim that one of the Uncrustables creators was in the NFL and it appears that he played for NDSU (gobison.com). Based on this it appears that the claim that the NFL eats lots of Uncrustables is true. 

by Novice (940 points)
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This is a great fact check. I like how you linked to additional sources to back up the claim. I also like how you even added some more info that you found in your research that backs up the claim even more.

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