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This article goes into depth about the increase of cyberhacking and rumors that the parent company of TikTok is working with the Chinese government to censor content and collect data.

Is this true?

1 Answer

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by Novice (860 points)
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Best answer

Why yes of course! In my family, this is just common knowledge, but I will be unbiased in my search for the truth (as best I can): 

The linked article is from a website affiliated with John Hopkin's University, a renowned U.S. university. The article is a Q&A with Cybersecurity expert Anton Dahbura, who has worked in cyber security since 1983. He is an employee of the university and does research as well. The author, in the introduction, cites an AP News article from 2022, where a Tiktok chief officer (note that their job is working for Tiktok) says that all American data is protected from the Chinese government. 

However, an AP News article from 2023 found that Chinese Communist Party members stationed at Tiktok's Chinese owner company, ByteDance, can request all data collected by ByteDance at any time, through something called a "God Credential."

Fox Business states that the data Tiktok collects from users ranges from location, to content of messages and to whom they're sent, to keystroke patterns, to biometric identifiers like face and voice prints, to any object or scenery that appears in your videos. This can also be confirmed by looking at Tiktok's privacy policy.

So, yes, Tiktok has access to plenty of your data.


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