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"A spokeswoman for The Post said Friday that ending presidential endorsements was a “Washington Post decision.” In his statement on Saturday, Mr. Lewis added that, as publisher, he does not believe in endorsements."

2 Answers

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by Newbie (300 points)

The claim that Bezos and the Washington Post have ceased presidential endorsements is true. In response, the Post has lost close to 10% of its subscribers and received much backlash recently. When asked about his decision, Bezos responded by saying, "Presidential endorsements do nothing to tip the scales of an election. No undecided voters in Pennsylvania are going to say, “I’m going with Newspaper A’s endorsement.” None. What presidential endorsements actually do is create a perception of bias. A perception of non-independence. Ending them is a principled decision, and it’s the right one." 



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by Novice (620 points)

This claim is true. Jeff Bezos decided to block an endorsement by the Washington Post for Vice President Kamala Harris, as reported by NPR, and has been flooded by a wave of subscription cancellations. Total cancellations have reached over 200,000, at least 8% of the Washington Post's subscriber base. Bezos has denied this being a political decision, but the public has varying perceptions.



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