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in General Factchecking by Newbie (230 points)
scientists have created a "cure" for aging, allowing humans to live significantly longer lives. This topic frequently pops up in various media outlets, often accompanied by sensational headlines suggesting breakthroughs in anti-aging research. However, upon closer examination, while studies explore the biology of aging and potential treatments to extend lifespan, the notion of a definitive "cure" for aging remains speculative. Research in this area is ongoing, and no scientifically validated method exists to halt or reverse the aging process completely.

1 Answer

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by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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Best answer

Scientists have not created a ‘cure’ for aging. There are many different forms of anti-aging products that are available today, but not a single one of them ‘cures’ aging. It is not a disease, it cannot be cured. The title you chose is purposely misleading, and even the article attached asked if there was a possible ‘cure’, however there is currently none and if it is developed, it will never be easily accessible for the general public. I will link a well-researched article that explains in more scientific terms why we cannot stop aging. 


Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Novice (750 points)
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I agree with your fact check! Aging is natural and unpreventable, the title is simply untrue and impossible. I liked how you linked an article that goes in-depth to the process of aging, to inform others of why there can never be a so called cure.
by Novice (620 points)
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I agree with this statement because the title is very misleading. Saying that there is a cure for aging is exaggerated and misleading. The very first line in the article already debunks the title, saying, "Although we cannot expect to be able to stop the human ageing process completely, the molecular mechanisms underlying ageing show that ageing is regulated by certain cellular processes."
by Novice (880 points)
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I enjoyed this fact check, because you made it clear that what the title was literally saying was not true, and that aging "is not a disease" which is a simple, effective way to fact check this. An improvement, could be to discuss the specific reason this clim is made, and specifically explain how it isn't a "cure" for aging.

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