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in General Factchecking by Newbie (290 points)
Catholic voters have always been a large and important demographic for major elections and with a recent NYC Catholic fundraising event, have been put under a microscope as of late. Many members of the Catholic church have historically voted Republican but the church is divided on issues like abortion, immigration, and minority rights.

1 Answer

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by (140 points)
The statement about Catholic voters is generally accurate. Historically, they have been an important demographic in U.S. elections, often leaning toward the Republican Party. However, the Catholic vote is indeed divided on key issues such as abortion, immigration, and minority rights. This division has become more pronounced in recent years.

So I would say this is true
by Genius (47.4k points)
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What is your source for your fact-check, especially the second through fourth sentences? Always cite in-text and include hyperlinks. Thanks!

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