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in General Factchecking by Novice (590 points)
This is an extremely bold claim brought up by infowars which is known for putting out propaganda. This seems quite farfetched but could be true because with desperate times come desperate measures and according to recent polls democrats are desperate.
by Novice (740 points)
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Not sure what Infowars actually says about this on their show, however you are right that it is known for making extremely biased and mostly false claims. Personally, I would disregard pretty much any claims they make unless they have specific and credible evidence to show for it, which they likely don't.

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by Novice (940 points)
Democrats have been calling Trump's campaign Nazis since the race began, and even in prior races. The Madison Square Garden Rally did not lead to many Democrats suddenly thinking MAGA supporters are Nazis.  Also, election odds for Kamala Harris are not "imploding." She is trailing in the polls in Pennsylvania, which is likely to be the final deciding factor for the election (CBS News), but only by .2 percent (270towin.com).



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