2 Answers

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ago by Novice (860 points)

The claim that Donald Trump is projected to win Pennsylvania in the 2024 Presidential election is currently true. Pennsylvania is considered swing state, meaning that the Presidential vote is predicted to be extremely close in the state. While poll projections have shifted by the day and even by the hour in the days leading up to the election, many notable polls, including one conducted by ABC database 538, have Trump leading by a thin margin in Pennsylvania.


It is important to note that polls are just an estimate of the status of the Presidential race, and in swing states with razor-thin margins like Pennsylvania, these polls can sometimes end up being incorrect. However, the Tik Tok's claim about the Presidential projection in regards to the state of Pennsylvania aligns with most current polling data.

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ago by Newbie (260 points)
The claim that former president Trump is currently predicted to win Pennsylvania based on polling is true. According to sources such as ABC's 538 and the New York Times, the former president currently holds a slight edge in the polling, at six tenths of a point according to 538, and one full point across various 'select pollsters' according to the New York Times. However, with a polling race this close, anything could happen come November 5th.



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