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in General Factchecking by Novice (530 points)

Donald Trump kicking off his final campaign week with a rally at Madison Square Garden. Joined by top Republicans like Speaker Mike Johnson, the rally aims to energize GOP supporters and raise funds, focusing on New York's competitive districts. This high-visibility event is part of Trump’s strategy to boost turnout even in typically Democratic areas​.

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ago by Novice (600 points)
This is more of an opinion piece but yes these statements are true. At the beginning of the Trump rally, there were racist jokes made about Latinos and African Americans. Another joke calling Puerto Rico an island of garbage was made at the rally. The Trump administration made a statement saying "This joke does not reflect the views of President Trump or the Campaign". I think the article is true but its more based on opinion than fact. What someone is to determine morally what is wrong and right.
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)

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