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The article "GamesRadar" by Bradley Russel discusses the potential release date of the movie Chainsaw Man Reze arc. It discusses the success of the first season, what other anime this studio (MAPPA) is going to animate, which will hinder the release date of the Movie, and the possible ways this movie is going to be broadcast. Also, they included what chapters of the manga the movie might include, and where it will stop to start the second season off from

What they also provide is multiple links to the same website that support the theory on when this movie comes out, but what they fail to include is the potential cast inclusion and trailer of the film. They only included the cast that's already in the main cast of the show, but never speculated on who will be playing any of the new characters in the movie. Also, they put the trailer in the title of the article, when the trailer does not exist. So I can't tell if this is fake news or real news when they provide things that are true and not true.

1 Answer

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by Newbie (240 points)

While Chainsaw Man  The Movie: Reze Arc was announced in December of 2023, the film does not currently have a confirmed release date. The film still leaves many questions regarding its production joined with the expectation of the original cast returning to reprise their roles, along with very few confirming details since the announcement was nearly a year ago. On the other hand, MAPPA posted a teaser trailer approximately 10 months ago that showed the blooming romance of Chainsaw Man's protagonist Denji with the main antagonist Reze. 


by Genius (47.3k points)
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So based on your fact-check, you would rate the claim as false? Please always explicitly state how you rate the claim within all your fact-checks and select a rating. Thanks!

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