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in General Factchecking by Novice (580 points)
In this article, a survey basically showed that Musk's influence made most people vote in the other direction as him. While Musk supports Trump, his influence is making people vote democrat.

1 Answer

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by Newbie (320 points)

The Hill seems like a trustworthy news source, it was formed in 1994, is an American newspaper company based in Washington D.C. In 2019, The Hill was ranked second among all U.S. news sites for political readership, second to CNN, and ahead of Capitol Hill competitors such as Politico. Overall, I think that this article is most likely not misinformation.

by Novice (570 points)
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Good reasoning, good background on the media brand and why they are reliable.
by Novice (650 points)
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You make a good case for The Hill as a trustworthy news source. It has been an important part of political journalism since 1994 and ranked high in political readership among U.S. news sites in 2019. While it is generally reliable, it's always wise to check information against other sources.
by Genius (47.4k points)
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Did you check the information against other media or news outlets? Did you see if it was republished? Did you check the data or raw data?

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