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in General Factchecking by Novice (870 points)
Donald Trump recently, in a debate against Vice President Kamala Harris, said dogs were being eaten in Ohio. This sparked a lot of media attention. Most claim this was false, as there is no information about this event happening. Others claim this event has occurred and is sparking outrage in Ohio communities. I belive it is fake but possible people eat animals anywhere. I thing regardless of how valid those claims are Trump regrets bringing it up.

4 Answers

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by Novice (520 points)
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Best answer
The Columbus Dispatch is a reputable news source that investigated whether Trumps claim was true or not. It proved to be false. Reporters spoke with Haitian migrants and police officers and determined there was no evidence linking Haitian migrants with eating dogs in Springfield, Ohio.

by Novice (940 points)
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I appreciate the concise response to the answer, as well as providing an article directly from the city newspaper where the incident took place. It keeps the confusion away and allows for the appropriate response to deliberate misinformation.
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ago by Novice (600 points)

The claim that In springfield Ohio they are eating dogs is likely misinformation. The Springfield News-Sun, a news station based out of Springfield Ohio reported that the Springfield Police said this was not something they were concerned about. 



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ago by Newbie (340 points)

In a podcast between Leila Fadel (NPR) and Governor Mike DeWine from Ohio, the governor explains how the mayor of Springfield reports of no credible evidence of the claims Trump has made regarding dogs being eaten in Springfield. Rather he directs the conversation towards the real issue surrounding the Haitian immigrants such as health problems and how that affects the rest of the Springfield population. However, DeWine supports the fact that those who have worked with Haitian workers have said they are hardworking. Ultimately, these false rumors spread about fogs being eaten in Springfield, supposedly by the Haitian immigrants, cannot be supported by any evidence. 


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ago by Newbie (300 points)
Donald Trump claimed during a debate with Vice President Harris that immigrants in Springfield, Ohio were eating "the pets of people who live there." These claims are baseless collectively, and are simply dehumanizing claims about immigrants. The police themselves say that these claims aren't credible.


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