I chose to fact check the claim: "Watching movies can change your perception on reality" Over time I have realized that many movies whether they are fictional or non fictional give different perceptions on reality whether real or fake. But does that take a toll on us as a society? If a fictional movie portrays an image of a made up reality and someone likes it would that make an impact on their reality? I feel like to an extent it would take a toll on someones reality, if they see something they like. Different kinds of movies take different kinds of tolls on peoples minds. Studies say that when it comes to watching a fictional movie that we thoroughly enjoy we tend to begin to imagine that as our reality to experience what we want, even if its not true. Studies also show that it has to do with signals that get sent to our brain through sensory lights, physical objects and sounds that trigger memories, further creating a new image. So by watching different kinds of movies, does that trigger a change in your perception in reality within our society?