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ago in General Factchecking by Newbie (260 points)
ago by (120 points)
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I do think that this is a reliable source to use about a study. Also the eviendce and reasoning that the article gives makes sense with their explanation. There are also real doctors that are giving quotes throught the article.
ago by Newbie (210 points)
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After reading the articles from the Sleep Foundation and the Mayo Clinic, the information presented in each does not match. According to the Sleep Foundation report, sleeping on your back or side has more advantages than sleeping on your stomach. This runs counter to the Mayo Clinic article's assertion, which cites the Sleep Foundation as a source to support it. Despite the fact that Dr. Krahn provided the data, I believe that the Mayo Clinic paper isn't very trustworthy for this reason.

2 Answers

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ago by Novice (560 points)

Sleeping on your back can lead to various health issues compared to side sleeping. It may increase the risk of snoring and sleep apnea, as the tongue can block the throat. Back sleeping can also cause back pain by misaligning the spine. Furthermore, pregnant individuals may experience reduced blood flow to the fetus when lying flat on their back. Research indicates that side sleeping can improve circulation, reduce acid reflux, and alleviate pressure on vital organs, making it generally healthier. Therefore I agree with this fact there are also studies that show sleeping on your stomach has more benefits than sleeping on back. It depends on the individual and their body as well as their health. 

ago by Novice (780 points)
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I do like that you provided answers based on the research you found, but I believe this factcheck would be better if the sources to your data were included.
ago by (180 points)
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I agree with your fact check, but I think it would be better to include a link or citations from the source you used. That way the fact check is more valid.
ago by Genius (45.8k points)
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What is your source? Always cite your sources in-text and provide a hyperlink. Also, please select a rating. Thanks!
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ago by Newbie (320 points)
While sleeping on your back has some benefits such as less breakouts, relieving congestions, it has greater negative effects. Sleeping on your back may cause blocked airway, sleep apnea, and back problems. Studies show sleeping on your side is healthier. Side sleeping helps prevent the airway from collapsing and may reduce snoring, it is also recommended for pregnant women as side sleeping can benefit both the mother and the baby. There is strong evidence and health benefits to sleeping on your side, therefore; I agree with this site and find it reliable regarding side sleeping being healthier than on your back.
ago by Genius (45.8k points)
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What is your source? Always cite your sources in-text and provide a hyperlink. Also, please select a rating. Thanks!

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