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ago in General Factchecking by (170 points)
Personally, I think that this scandal will blow over within the next couple of months. The same thing happened with Chipotle back in 2015, especially with McDonald's being one of the most popular fast-food establishments in America.

3 Answers

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ago by Newbie (320 points)
Since Mcdonald’s is a large growing fast food establishment, and one of the largest fast food companies in the world the situation at hand will blow over within the next few months. In 2015 Chipotle had a similar issue with an E. Coli breakout from the lettuce and within a few moths the entire situation had been dealt with and Chipotle gained all of their business back. The status of mcdonald’s will not go down because of the breakout. While doing research it is clear that since the E.Coli crisis Mcdonald’s has not lost reasonable profit to be too concerned about losing business within the future regarding the situation.
ago by Genius (45.8k points)
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What's your source? Always cite it in-text and provide a hyperlink. Thanks!
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ago by Newbie (330 points)
Although scandals like this do happen ever too often in the fast food industry that does not make the claim that their status will not falter at all due to this scandal. The company is most definitely losing money due to a handful of thousands of people avoiding the fast food chain due to rumor and health concern. This will not bankrupt the chain by any means but it will financially effect them even if it is only minimal. Not being able to profit off the sales of the quarter pounder McDonalds will be losing significant profit that could have been made. According to CBS News McDonalds shares within the stock market fell in shares. This was likely due to outrage based on the 10 deaths and hundred plus hospitalizations.
ago by Novice (930 points)
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Your fact check might be stronger if you provided a link or hyperlink to your source (the CBS article)!
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ago by Newbie (200 points)
When I clicked on the article that this is referring it to, it made a link to another article from the New York times and that article claimed that when this outbreak happened it was reported on the CDC website. So, from there I had found what the two commonalities where between the two articles. The same thing that the two articles found was that it was an E.coli outbreak that was spurred from the onions that are used on the quarter pounders. So I went to the CDC website and sure enough there was a report done on the E. coli outbreak linked to Mcdondalds that is found in the onions that are used in the quarter pounders.
ago by Genius (45.8k points)
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Always include source hyperlinks. Thanks!

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