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in General Factchecking by Genius (46.3k points)
A top NY official allegedly spied for China, and made millions in the process.

4 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.2k points)
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Best answer
After reading through the BBC source I did more research to confirm this story, I found this information to be true. The BBC even linked the PDF of her indictment that details the case. When looking around for more sources to this information, the first website that popped up was to the U.S Department of Justice. They reported Linda Sun being charged for being acting as an undisclosed agent of the People's Republic of China and Chinese Communist Party as well.

https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-high-ranking-new-york-state-government-employee-charged-acting-undisclosed-agent https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/25085308/linda-sun-indictment.pdf
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by Newbie (300 points)

after reading through the BBC article linked in the post, I was able to find a link to the court documents as well as some background information. This claim is true and the investigation is ongoing.

Linda Sun: A Ferrari, a Honolulu hideaway, salted duck for alleged China spy

ago by Novice (530 points)
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You mention about a link to the court documents but the only link provided is to a BBC article. You also discuss something about finding more background information but again you only provide a link to a BBC article. I would suggest including your court documents and background information findings in your comment so we can all examine it.
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ago by Novice (600 points)

For this article, it was written by the BBC. A very credible government source. The BBC even links the indictment transcript in its article. Here: linda-sun-indictment.pdf .

The claim is that the NY official, Linda Sun, allegedly spied for China. The article continues to use the word allegedly, keeping the truth where it is at. 

I looked up some of the key points in the article and found more information on her charges on the Office of Public Affairs website here: Office of Public Affairs | Former High-Ranking New York State Government Employee Charged with Acting as an Undisclosed Agent of the People’s Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party | United States Department of Justice.

The article confirms in different wording what the BBC claims.

The language throughout the article is thoughtful of the claim and avoids over exaggerating. Coupled with the credible sources to back it up, this statement is true. 

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ago by Novice (920 points)

This is true. An NBC news article details all of the specifics, but she was a spy and it is estimated that she made 3.5 million in the process.



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