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in General Factchecking by Novice (820 points)

So much uncertainty is surrounded on this topic as there was no one there before he jumped off the hotel building. The state that he was in remains unknown but according to ABC News, a partial autopsy revealed that Liam Payne had multiple substances in his body with “internal and external bleeding.” Photographs also demonstrates the "white substance" that was left on the counter with "metal foils", showing signs of drug use. 

by Novice (640 points)
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I think he actually died on impact because he fell 3 stories from a balcony. The drugs didn't kill him however they made him do some stupid stuff like tearing up the room and jumping off a 3rd floor balcony.
by Newbie (260 points)
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I think many media outlets are trying to make the story of his death more intriguing so they have added the drug use to the story. It is definitely in poor taste especially as its so soon after his death.

4 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.4k points)
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Best answer

The article quoted for the claim says, "An autopsy found that the singer had 25 injuries “compatible with those produced by a fall from height” and that his cause of death was “polytraumatism, internal and external hemorrhage,” according to the Argentina National Prosecutor’s Office", proving that the cause of death as stated by medical professionals was related to Liam Payne's fall from the balcony. Pink Cocaine is a very dangerous drug as is supported by the article, but it was not the direct cause of Liam Payne's death. This information is backed up by Today, "Payne died as a result of “multiple traumatic injuries” and “internal and external bleeding” he sustained after falling from the balcony, according to the release from the prosecutor's office". The claim is misleading as there are concerns regarding Liam Payne falling because of the drugs in his system, but he died from the fall.



Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Apprentice (1.4k points)
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I like your usage on multiple sources, and the tone in which you wrote
by Novice (640 points)
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This is a good fact check, the only thing I would do differently is that I can't tell what quote is from what source. I would clarify what quote comes from what source.
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by Newbie (300 points)
The article cites an autopsy report stating that the singer had 25 injuries consistent with a fall, and his cause of death was "polytraumatism, internal and external hemorrhage," according to the Argentina National Prosecutor’s Office. This clearly links his death to the fall from the balcony rather than directly to Pink Cocaine, which is indeed a dangerous drug, as mentioned in the article. Today also confirms this, stating that Payne died from "multiple traumatic injuries" and bleeding sustained in the fall. The claim can be misleading; while there are concerns about the role of drugs in his situation, it's important to note that he ultimately died from the fall itself, not the substance in his system.
Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Newbie (300 points)
This article and other confirmed sources from Argentina where Liam Payne has found that he was under the influence of drugs when he passed. This was paired with the information that his hotel room was destroyed and there were many signs of distress before he died. However, the drugs are not the direct reason for his death. He fell from his hotel room probably due to the drugs but did not die until the impact of the fall. This article has true information but the claim itself is not proven to be true.
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by Novice (600 points)

To say that Liam Payne died from a drug overdose is an overstatement. Payne definitely had a lot of drugs in his system. What was determined by the toxicology report was that Payne had something called “Pink Cocaine” in his system. Pink Cocaine is a mixture of “ketamine and illegal substances such as methamphetamine, MDMA (also called Molly or ecstasy), opioids or new psychoactive substances…”(NBC News). But Payne did not die because of these drugs directly. 

Payne was heavily influenced by the drugs that were in his system moments before his death. Both the he BBC and AP News report that around 17:00 (5:00 PM) hotel staff called authorities saying there is a guest, Payne, “who is overwhelmed by drugs and alcohol” and “destroying his room.” In that same call the hotel staff said “I don’t know if the guest’s life is in danger. But he has a room with a balcony and we’re a little afraid he might do something life-threatening.” Unfortunately that did happen and Payne fell from his third floor balcony hitting the ground in the balcony below. 

Payne underwent an autopsy at 20:30 (8:30 PM) and it was determined that he had around “25 injuries which were ‘consistent with a fall from a great height’”(BBC). The autopsy report clarifies that Payne died from “multiple traumas” and “internal and external hemorrhaging” which means that the impact of the fall is what killed him. But the drugs played a vital role in his death. The autopsy said that “he [Payne] may have been fully or partially unconscious when he fell” (BBC). 

Payne had drugs and alcohol in his system which played a vital role in his untimely and tragic death; but to say the Payne died from a drug overdose is not true.





Exaggerated/ Misleading

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