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ago in General Factchecking by
Looking through this article the information that is here is a year old. So the progress of it may have changed throughout the years and it is true it has changed throughout the year. As of now Washington D.C, Baltimore, Chattanooga, Dallas, Memphis, and Nashville is experiencing higher rates then Chicago in 2024.

3 Answers

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ago by Newbie (220 points)

This article does a poor job of making any argument. The article provides data about homicide rates and over crime rates in several major cities around the United States. The article states that Chicago hasn't had the same homicide rate drop that L.A. and New York have had since the 90's. While this is true, it doesn't include much context, which the article briefly mentions when it states, "Los Angeles made a lot of police reforms that Chicago is just trying to do and New York never quite had the gang situation that L.A. and Chicago had." The article doesn't explain much context nor does it provide many other major cities. I think it's significant that it left out information about the history of all the cities, the fact that some other major cities had significant drops in violence due to the stopping the mafia and gang related violence. It also doesn't clearly define how its going to measure violence, and even if it did, violence is interpreted different and has inherent bias. In murder rates, Chicago is 20th, far behind cities such as St. Louis and Baltimore. (Per World Population Review). In all, the article provides little evidence as to why or how Chicago is one of the most violent cities in the U.S.

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ago by (180 points)

After evaluating the article given, it is very unclear in the article where it mentions anything regarding Chicago being the most dangerous city. They do have indirect ways to say Chicago is dangerous, but it doesn't mention anything about it being "the most dangerous city." An example I seen in the article says "Chicago, like all other major cities, has areas that have higher crime rates than others." I found another quote that doesn't make me believe this statement is factual, for example, the article claimed "“While Chicago does have higher violent crime rates compared to the national average, other cities such as Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Chattanooga, Dallas, Memphis, Nashville, are experiencing higher rates of crime than Chicago." This proves that this statement can be misleading. I tried searching the the quote on the web, and nothing came up for this quote or similar. This makes me wonder where this quote could have come from. 

Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Newbie (220 points)

This article tries to compare Chicago's crime rates to other US cities, but it's missing a lot of context. It claims cities like Washington D.C., Baltimore, and Nashville have higher murder rates per capita than Chicago, but doesn't back this up with recent data. Checking FBI and World Population Review stats shows that while cities like Baltimore and Memphis often rank high in murder rates, Dallas does not. This article also says that Chicago has “higher violent crime than the national average” but does not mention that most of this violence is concentrated in just a few neighborhoods, something common in many big cities. It mentions that cities like LA and New York city reduced crime through reforms, but doesn't explain what those were or why they worked. So while some points are valid, the article could be more balanced by including specific data and clearer context.

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