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ago in General Factchecking by Newbie (290 points)
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Access to necessary medical procedures is becoming increasingly difficult for women, especially in this upcoming election. year. As both candidates have differing views on women's healthcare, finding this article made me truly wonder how the outcome of the election will impact women's access to healthcare. Looking at different credible sources like news outlets and healthcare organizations provided a more comprehensive understanding of the potential implications for women's healthcare policies under each candidate's administration, but we still ask the big question of how women's health will be prioritized in the coming years and how it will affect women across the country.

1 Answer

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ago by Novice (600 points)

In a post-Roe America, women indeed have less access to necessary medical procedures in turn risking their lives. The evidence presented in a study at UC San Francisco shows that healthcare providers have seen increased medical problems, worsened pregnancy complications, an inability to provide time-sensitive care, and increased delays in obtaining care for patients in states with abortion bans. I found it in this study https://www.ansirh.org/sites/default/files/2024-09/ANSIRH%20Care%20Post-Roe%20Report%209.04.24_FINAL%20EMBARGOED_0.pdf.

ago by Genius (46.3k points)
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Nice job finding a relevant source. Next time, it would be great to dig deeper into the study and find some data or quotes to include in the fact-check. Thanks!

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