My task was to scroll down the Internet to corroborate the promise to make this or that MLB special by using the supposedly unique mud. In my analysis, the study from the University of Pennsylvania published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences present empirical evidence of the effectiveness of the mud. The literature proof again affirms that the tread pattern of the surface, the mud, the clay and sand provide better friction in the application but it must be smooth to have that better grip on the baseball. Furthermore, there is historical evidence as well as MLB’s use of Lena Blackburne Baseball Rubbing Mud for over eighty years. The subsequent overall similar adherent tests such as Adherence, Viscosities and friction too support the new characteristic of the mud. The study underscores that of this natural substance, adding urgency to what is has taken ballplayers half a century to realize. Reasons like historical usage and the scientific research are enough to support the fact that the mud has a role to play in baseball.