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in General Factchecking by Newbie (340 points)
Saturn's moon, titan, due to a crust made of methane-rich ice, could warm the interior and promote life.

1 Answer

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by Apprentice (1.7k points)

Your title is true, though it's missing some information. Saturn's moon, Titan, may have conditions conducive to life, though with some caveats. According to this NASA article, the moon is believed to have an underground ocean of liquid water mixed with salts and ammonia, which could  provide a habitat similar to those on Earth where life exists. Furthermore, Titan's topography features lakes, rivers, and seas of liquid ethane and methane, meaning that it can support types of lives very different from Earth's. Thus., Titan can potentially be home to conditions suitable to life that are similar to us (on its subsurface) and also different from us (on the moon's surface). 

by Novice (770 points)
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Some more context with a source would be helpful.


This article by the European Space Agency talks about the methane beneath the surface that is refreshed like the methane in Earth's atmosphere. However, although there is water and some similarities to Earth's conditions, the temperature is far too cold for liquid water to exist on the moon, so life most likely could not be supported.

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