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in General Factchecking by Newbie (310 points)
A flock of mysterious glowing UFOs were spotted soaring at high speed near an Air Force base in Indiana — spooking dozens of onlookers, according to wild video footage.

At least six yellowish-orange orbs were captured on camera flickering and hovering near Kokomo, just south of the Grissom Joint Air Reserve Base — before vanishing into thin air on Oct. 7, according to footage and reports.

1 Answer

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by Novice (600 points)
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This report comes from a very sketchy and unreliable website. You can infer this through the lack of sources, high amount of ads and  It only talks about the video and has no other sources. This video could very much be fake as there is no other evidence backing it up. I would leaded towards it a fake video till there is more information .

by Novice (520 points)
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I would agree with you that this claim is likely false. To further evaluate the source, I researched the author of the article and she has written very few articles, does not have much of an online presence, and lacks Linked In connections or any profile pictures.
by Genius (47.3k points)
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Do you have any sources to back up your fact-check? Was there any other reporting on this beside the NY Post?

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