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in General Factchecking by Newbie (340 points)

The controversial social media app is defining the 2024 election.

How TikTok Is Influencing the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election 

by (180 points)
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This article makes a fascinating case for the growing influence of TikTok on political campaigns, particularly in the context of the 2024 election. The comparison to how radio changed campaigning in 1924 drives home how technology shifts the way politicians connect with voters. With its quick, engaging content, TikTok's appeal has clearly captivated not just younger audiences but increasingly adults too, as we see with political figures like Kamala Harris and Donald Trump jumping onto the platform.

2 Answers

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by (160 points)
I agree, however why has it had such an impact? what kind of creators/content is being put out that is influencing the public. Is it a fair approach of representing both sides of politics?
by Novice (720 points)
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I liked all the questions you asked. I also agree that TikTok did have an influence. From personal  experience, the TikTok algorithm shows you videos based of ones that you have previously liked. So a lot of the videos on an indivudals feed will represent their beliefs and values creating an even bigger influence on their beliefs. It doesnt reposengt both sides of politics which I veiw as a problem. It makes an induvidual closed minded.
by Newbie (310 points)
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I like that you questioned the post but you technically didn't "answer" this post. You stated your opinion but have no research or sources to back it up. It would be very beneficial to add some evidence to your answer with studies that have found your information to be true. Here is one source that supports your claim:
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by Newbie (320 points)

The claim that "TikTok had too much influence over the 2024 election" is false due to the fact that the article is exaggerating a bit and has some misinformation  In the article it talks about how both presidential candidates, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, use their platforms for their campaign. The article also gets off topic at some points and talk about how many peoples' the popular app and way. Though the article does get off topic, it reaches points that provide information on why the candidates used the app, to get more votes and to spread awareness to their campaigns. Due to the fact that younger U.S. citizens are less likely to vote, they used the app to "reach younger voters". Over 170 million people nation wide use the app, so this means that it is easier to spread information about the presidental campaign. Studies and charts show that when presidential candidates use TikTok, the amount of followers they have grow, making it easier to share information about their campaigns. (Gorman & Goldenberg). Getting back to the topic at hand, the fact check claim that "TikTok had to much influence towards the 2024 election" is not true because there is no information that backs up the fact that the app had to much influence. The app was mainly used to help presidential candidates with their campaign and spread more awareness to their causes, it was never directly stated that the TikTok has to much of an influence on the election. 

Link to article: https://www.gmfus.org/news/tiktok-2024-us-presidential-race-trending-campaign-strategy-or-passing-trend

by Newbie (230 points)
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I agree with you completely. But I do think that influence was still there in terms of how people acted. Just because the app itself did not influence doesn't mean people's actions were not affected or that the outreach of each campaign was bolstered by the app itself.
by Genius (47.3k points)
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Wouldn't this be more of an opinion rather than a true/false claim?

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