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in General Factchecking by Newbie (310 points)
6 former Trump Cabinet Secretaries played a role in writing Project 2025, and at least 140 people who worked in the Trump Administration also contributed to it.

by Novice (600 points)
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I think this is a little misleading. Yes, people from his Administration have worked on it, but in his words, he has nothing to do with Project 2025. To say he plans on bringing things from Project 2025 is misleading. He might be trying to do things that are in Project 2025 but not BECAUSE they are from Project 2025.
by Apprentice (1.3k points)
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Unfortunately, he does know the people behind Project 2025, which throws this statement into doubt. For a person like Trump, I think that it is best to take all statements with a large amount a salt

2 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.3k points)
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Best answer

Trump has publicly moved away from Project 2025, but the claim that he does not know about it was most likely false, as he has spoken at dinners of the Heritage Foundation and talked to their founder as it was being written.



Instead, Trump has set up his own 'agenda', which is effectively a more sanitized version of Project 2025. While is taking ideas from it, and it can almost certainly be said that he is working with the Heritage Foundation, there is yet to be concrete proof.


Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Newbie (410 points)

I looked into this as https://www.project2025.org/about/about-project-2025/, They say that "The 2025 Presidential Transition Project is being organized by The Heritage Foundation and builds off Heritage’s longstanding “Mandate for Leadership,” but feel that too is vague.

by Novice (620 points)
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Good job on quoting the site, giving your source and linking it to the story but you didn't really fact check this as I'm still left confused and wondering if the claim is true or not. I would've liked you to look into the article the claimer provided and dissect it in order to provide a better understanding of the claim itself and further your understanding as to whether the claim is true or not so you can tell us.

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