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in General Factchecking by Newbie (310 points)

This article from The Washington Post brings up the possibility of Elon Musk's company Tesla receiving a possible boost in sales from the recent election results. The article focuses mostly on Tesla's newest invention the Cybercab, which currently faces obstacles in the form of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration as they have been hesitant to lay out any plans for the approval of these driverless vehicles. But with Musk being firmly seated in the President Elect's inner circle it seems his influence on the NHTSA might be more profound than before. Others like Gene Munster see this Trump presidency as a path to "be more manageable" when it comes to getting things done compared to previous administrations. Musk has already been promised a lead role in Trump's "efficiency" task force and Musk believes that "There should be a federal approval process for autonomous vehicles". However with all this being said there are no exact plans yet for this Department of Government Efficiency so who knows what the future holds. 

by Newbie (380 points)
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I found some concouring articles, like https://www.cnbc.com/2024/11/07/how-elon-musk-stands-to-cash-in-on-trumps-presidential-victory.html, it definetly sounds like elon has financial investment in Trumps win, more than just the space cars
by Apprentice (1.4k points)
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Your fact check was good! It was concise, gave a lot of evidence, and covered all areas of argument. I did some research on other tech giants and their relation to the Trump presidency and found similar results. I believe we will see tech companies power grow under Trump's presidency.

2 Answers

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by Novice (520 points)
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Best answer

I believe it's true, I found a couple articles that would back up this statement. The first one is how Tesla hit $1tn market value. It basically explains how the number are going up and when it happened. tesla-market-value-trump-musk

The next article is how Elon Musk joins Trumps. This explains the plan and what happened, how Elon Musk started and put in so much money and had gotten money from federal contracts. In my opinion I feel like Elon Musk is just trying to build power by being on Trumps side so, he can make certain cars that he wants and be able to get a okay to have them on the road. https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/08/europe/ukraine-trump-elon-musk-zelensky-intl-latam/index.html

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by Novice (840 points)

I completely agree with you. This article that I looked up talked about how they’re going to make technology more accessible.

In the article, they said “This weekmaybe no one has more of a reason to celebrate than his boosters in the tech world”. These two working together Will not be a good plan. They will make their employees work hard and not pay them enough. 



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