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in General Factchecking by Novice (940 points)
Multiple polling locations in Democratic areas of battleground states received hoax bomb threats with addresses tied to Russia.

3 Answers

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by Novice (730 points)
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Best answer
According to adfontesmedia.com, your source (New Republic) is a heavily biased journal that leans strongly to the left. While the FBI has confirmed that the bomb hoaxes seemed to be of Russian origin, there is not enough proof that these hoaxes were politically biased in one way or another. No one has been identified, and the threats were deemed non-credible. According to USA Today (article linked below), the U.S. Director of Cyber Security stated that the threats were identified as hoaxes quickly, and the threats had no material impact on the election and, if anything, just slowed it down. With the information right now, it is safe to say that Russia may have intended to spin the election but had no material impact.


by Newbie (350 points)
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This is a fantastic fact-check. Identifying how biased the source is and also doing deeper research on what impact the threats truly had by looking at USA Today is a great way to figure out the real story.
by Newbie (240 points)
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Solid fact check, I do believe political bias's are one of the biggest concerns when trying to fact check a certain article. I do believe this is an article where you would want to check multiple different sources for the same claim and see if more people are saying it is true or not.
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by Newbie (470 points)

According to the article linked in the claim Are We Just Ignoring How Russia Openly Helped Trump on Election Night? | The New Republic there were bomb threats to several polling places in swing states that authorities have traced to Russian origin. However, it is unknown if these calls had any relation to the Russian government. This is likely a connection to the 2016 election interference probes and the extra scrutiny placed on Russia in Federal elections

Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Novice (650 points)
The source you linked claims that there were bomb threats tied to email addresses ending in ".ru", supporting the idea that Russia tried to interfere with the election. The existence of these threats has been verified by law enforcement and the FBI, however the validity of the threats were proven to not to be credible by the FBI. The article does clearly state that "the threats came from an email address ending in .ru, but emphasized that he could not confirm if the threats were actually from the Russian government."

There is very little evidence that these threats had a substantial impact on the election that allowed Trump's win to be facilitated. Another source to validate the FBI's statement on this issue can be found from the official FBI website here: https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/fbi-statement-on-bomb-threats-to-polling-locations
Exaggerated/ Misleading

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