Eating too many bananas isn’t likely to be dangerous for most people. While they’re high in potassium, which is important for heart and muscle function, a healthy body is usually good at managing potassium levels. Issues like hyperkalemia, where potassium gets too high, are more of a concern for people with kidney disease or those on certain medications. To actually reach harmful potassium levels just from bananas, you’d have to eat an unrealistic amount in a short period. Some estimates suggest it would take around 42 bananas in a day to cause problems, which is far more than anyone would normally eat. A single banana has about 450 mg of potassium, while the daily recommended amount is around 4,700 mg—so you’d need to eat over 10 just to meet your daily needs, let alone exceed safe levels. The more likely issue with eating too many bananas is digestive discomfort, bloating, or missing out on other important nutrients by eating them in excess. But there’s no real evidence that bananas alone increase the risk of death. As long as they’re part of a balanced diet, bananas are a healthy and safe food to enjoy in moderation.